Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So what do I do when the tax cuts expire?

Reading through the headlines on the Comcast homepage today I came across a small tidbit on the possibility that the tax cuts will expire in January. Without getting into my political persuasions I think it's fair to say that if the tax cuts expire we may all be in a pot of hot water come January. According to the Associated Press, "a married couple earning $50,000 to $80,000 with two children would see a tax increase of $2,200." We don't fall exactly into that category, but I think we are pretty close- actually we only have one child, so I'm doing the math and it doesn't look good.
     I've mentioned previously that my husband was laid off from his job in March. He recently accepted a job which he is starting in August. Yeah! We are all happy that the search is over. My foray into frugality, I fear, is not over. I continue to see this as a challenge in making my dollar stretch further and further.
     I'm still exercising at home. The Warrior X Fit program has become my favorite home work out. In addition, the 15 minute yoga Wake Up for a Beautiful Day found at Vimeo.com has really improved my morning tennis game.
     I'm still trying to eat up what's in the freezer rather than buying food. I think I'm generally more successful than not in this endeavor, but the freezer is not empty yet. Somehow new things keep finding their way in.
     I'm still making homemade rather than buying where it makes the most sense. A while back I mentioned reading the book Make the Bread, Buy the Butter. I'm still not quite finished with it. I bought the e-book because it was cheaper, but since I don't have a Kindle, I'm reading it on my laptop through Kindle for PC. This just means I won't be reading it during the day while I'm sitting on the beach. But anyway, I ,again, recommend this book. This woman has guts (after her success with chickens and lack of success with ducks, she went on to buy 2 of her own goats. You'll have to get the book yourself to see if she was successful.) On her recommendation, I made my own yogurt. It was cheaper than store bought, easy to make and the best yogurt I've ever had.
     So, there's no golden egg in my near future. I guess I'm in this for the long haul, but I'm still excited by the challenge to find new ways to make it work.

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