Monday, July 16, 2012

Love Your Library

     I feel like my last post was a little self serving. So I'm going to try and get myself back on track with this post.
     I am a reader. I've been a reader for as long as I can remember. What I mean is that I enjoy reading. In fact I think maybe there is a familial reading gene in my lineage. As I sit here typing this blog, both my mother and my neice are sitting with me on the porch reading (both under the ceiling fan, one swinging in the hammock). Sort of a perfect morning. As a young teenager, my friend Lisa and I spent hours upon hours reading Nancy Drew books. Sitting on the same screened porch where I sit now, we made our way through the entire series more than once. I didn't own many of those books; they came from the library. When I outgrew the Nancy Drew series (a very sad day for me) I moved on to books by Daphne DuMaurier, Charlotte Bronte, Phyllis A. Whitney, and Stephen King. My current library visits bring me down the stacks to Stuart Woods, Sue Grafton, Janet Evanovich and John Grisham. You could say I have an interest in detective/mystery books.
     But to talk just about books at the library is so limiting. The library is so much more. The library is books on CD for my long car trips to Cape Cod. It's movie DVDs. It's a cool place to sit and read in the summer and a warm place to sit and read in the winter. It's a wing back chair and the latest edition of Real Simple magazine. The library is a wi-fi hot spot for your lap top or tablet. Or sit down at one of the library's available computers.
     Every Monday our library is CT Works; a local resource for employment and career oportunities. They provide workshops, one on one sessions with job counselors and job networking groups.
     Our library offers ebooks for your Kindle or laptop.  A few months ago when I couldn't find a library hard copy of Dreams of Joy by Lisa See I was able to check out the ebook through the library. Ebooks are available for 3 weeks. There are even movies available to stream to your computer.  Our library also offers language learning through Mango Languages.
     My husband has now been unemployed for 5 months. In addition to his looking for employement we have been tossing around the idea of creating a professional organizing business. I did some research on the internet and found an online course on How to Become a Professional Organizer. The course is available for $60 from Universal Class.  Through CT Works my husband found the exact same course offered through our library- for free! How's that!
        I love free. I love my library. Check out your library and it's website to find out the wonderful offerings available to you for free.

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