Sunday, July 1, 2012

Do I need to join a gym?

I used to belong to a gym. In fact, it was in a gym that I met my husband. He struck up a conversation with me one evening during my after work workout. So, you could say that we became workout buddies. But really, I liked to workout and he liked to talk. Anyone who knows my husband knows that this is true. The second or third night that we worked out/talked together we walked the track for what seemed like hours. I remember that I couldn't get a word in edgewise to mention that maybe we should change activities or at the very least, change direction and I went home with blisters on my feet. Well, eventually we fell in love, not on adjacent Stair Master machines but perhaps over pizza and beer after the workout. We're still married, but we no longer belong to that, or any health club.
     That's not to say we don't work out, at least sporadically, but the cost of a gym membership is just no longer in the budget. Especially for two of us. What's a (poor) girl to do? We have lots of unused equipment in the basement. Over the years we have acquired a Nordic Track ski machine, Body by Jake thigh machine, Ab roller, aerobic step/videos, the Perfect Pull-up and some sort of all in one weight machine that I no longer remember the name of. (We had to get rid of it when we moved into this house and the ceiling height in the basement was too low for it to fit.)
     Now, I have a couple of problems with working out at home. Number 1: I get bored easily. Number 2: during the winter it's too cold in this house when I get home from work to even think about changing into workout clothes. Number 3: Now that my husband is unemployed he is often taking up space in my office, which is where I currently like to workout. Blah blah blah. I know. These are just excuses. But they are my excuses and I'm sticking to them.
     Ok, but despite that, I do try to work out and I have found a few things that work for me for very little money. You can buy hand weights, a mat, exercise ball, and exercise band in stores such as Walmart, Ocean State Job Lot, or Target for very little money. Since I like the feel of taking a class at the gym, I'm not much for those exercise pull-outs in health magazines. I have found that by Googling "free online yoga", "free online workout", or "free online exercises" I can find more than enough to suit my every workout need and mood. There are workouts ranging from a few minutes preview to full hour workouts of every type. I'll share with you a few of my favorites:
Spark People A whole variety of videos ranging from 10 to 20 minutes.
Yoga Yak Offers many yoga classes, all filmed in beautiful outdoor settings.
Warrior X Fit This is a new one for me, but it promises to be interesting and challenging. Each day you are offered 6 exercises to complete in 20 minutes. The more you exercise the farther you move up in the martial arts fitness platform.
     With these and so many other free offerings on the web it's hard to get bored. Now if I could just find a way to warm up the house in the winter. But that's for another entry.

NOTE: Consult your doctor or other medical provider before beginning any exercise program. Discontinue any exercise that causes you discomfort or pain. This blog is not meant to endorse any particular exercise program, but merely to inform you of the choices available. Use your own judgement please.

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