Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

Do you "New Year's Resolution"? I'm not typically one for making big fancy resolutions on the first of the year. They are too easy to break, first of all. But I'm really more of an "improve as you go" kind of girl. Well, we can see how that's working for me. Just look at the last time I posted to my blog.
Well, in re-reading the last post, it very well could have been last week. Nothing much has changed. We still have the same jobs and we still have the same trouble making ends meet. Well, in fact maybe more trouble. Despite having negotiated a new cable contract 2 years ago, our bill has just gone up 3 times in 3 months. I believe there is to be another increase this month. I guess our super-saver agreement ran out. Time to negotiate again.
In addition, my son is now 17 and just got his driver's license. So the car insurance just went up by $700. I think that's prorated for a partial year so it's likely to be an even bigger increase.
Add to that, that as I move farther into my 50's the weight is creeping up as well as the aches and pains associated with it.
So, I guess I need to make some resolutions.
1. I resolve to lose enough weight to comfortably fit back into my size 10 clothes. (I got rid of the scale, the thought of stepping on it terrified me.)
2. Plan meals more around the freezer/pantry and less around the store circulars. ( I know shopping the sales saves money, but don't you sometimes feel like you buy more things, just because they are on sale?)
3. I would really like to cut the cable cord. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'll give more specifics in a subsequent post.
So what is a poor girl to do? It's fully apparent to me that I need to be very organized about this.
The first stop is the freezer and the pantry. I'll let you in on a little secret. My husband and my son are deer hunters and they did fairly well this fall. Not so much last year, but this year, I have plenty of venison in my freezer. Ground, sausage, roasts and stir fry pieces. Also, I have 2 freestanding upright freezers and the freezer that is attached to my refrigerator. I have a pantry in the kitchen and a cabinet in the basement for overflow. There should be plenty of food to at least use as a base for many meals to come if I plan right.